DataPacket notified me that abusive activity has occurred under my account. What does this mean, and what do I need to do?
Our Abuse team contacts you using the email address listed on your account. If you have received an abuse notice from DataPacket, do the following:
1. Review the abuse notice to see what content or activity was reported.
2. Take immediate action to stop the abuse and prevent a recurrence.
3. Reply directly to the abuse report and explain how you stopped the abuse and how you're preventing the abusive activity from recurring in the future.
We understand that an abuse report can be worrisome. It's extremely important though that you keep us updated during the investigation. Without your communication and ongoing progress to resolve the issue, we must assume the abuse is still occurring and that further TOS violations will occur. A lack of communication may result in service interruption to protect DataPacket’s infrastructure, network and other customers.
If you believe that the account or service may have been compromised, contact us immediately to secure your resources.